Clinical Cytogenetic and Molecular Cytogenetic

About Activity

Chromosomes analysis is necessary for most kinds of clinical. Thus, this workshop will be focusing in the most widely used method of Chromosomes analysis technology.

1- Understand and describe the applications of Cytogenetic and Molecular cytogenetic technologies
2- Understand how chromosomes analysis can be used medical practice
3- Explain the steps involved in general chromosomes analysis


Package Title: Medical Laboratory Sciences

Target Audience: All interested researchers

Language: English


  • Dr. Ibrahim Alabdulkareem - Director of Research Department, Health Sciences Research Center, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University.

Activity Date: 2020-11-08

Activity Duration: 1 day

Time: 9:00 AM - 12 AM

Online Activity via Microsoft Teams

CME Hours: 2

Cost for External Cost for PNU / KAAUH
140 SR 105 SR